by Elena Privitera

"Maionese - maionese
Comes in vessels
down the streams"
(from "Desolation Angels" by Jack Kerouac)

MAIONESE Project aims to explore world art from female point of view by
creating a Virtual Female Gallery showing art-works and projects
of artists coming from Italy and abroad.

This contribute to the virtual world will fill up the emptyness of traditional
information thanks to a modern way of circulation, wide range targets
going over its own limits.

For this reason, it will concern investigation and renewal of the existing
structures of world art building up a closer and newer relation with
female artists bringing strenght and vitality to their productivity.

This idea takes its birth from the intuition that giving support and help
to such an initiative will give art world a wide share: artists work on every
art subjects creating new, updated collaborations among different art fields.

The aim of the project is to promote the meeting of woman and art in
its own ramifications, in its present interest.

Inside this unexplored and growing reality we put ourselves as the
central and meeting point for anyone who works in this field, with the
help of professionists as well as amateurs.

Maionese Virtual Gallery means also to promote cultural initiatives in its
areas in Str.Baudenasca, 118 and in other places with the collaboration
of Galleries, art critics, institutions and organizations who wish to create
itinerant exhibitions.

For further information write to enpleinair

